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Client Feedback

We support hundreds of local businesses and schools with our unparalleled range of services; we appreciate their trust and would love you to understand the F1Group difference.

Headteacher, Boston West Academy, Boston, Lincolnshire

Boston West School LogoF1 has always provided an excellent, friendly and efficient service. They are 'in touch' with the latest technologies and can advise and support future planning. Nothing is ever an issue – there is always a solution.

Gavin McIntosh, Branston Community Academy, Lincoln

Branston Academy LogoThank you very much for all of the help that you provided with our core service switchover. Thanks to your experience,  skill and professionalism, the Switchover has gone exceptionally well, and I am very happy with the results.

Trevor Batton, Lincoln Christ's Hospital School, Lincoln

Christs Hospital School LogoThey are a big help and know what they are doing with Enterprise Virtualization and Storage Attached Networks.